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The ReWire Podcast w/ Ryan Stewman

Apr 29, 2022

You should be thankful for your problems.

You're a salesperson. 

You're an entrepreneur. 

You're a problem solver. 

The truth is problem solvers should be thankful for their problems, because it gives us an opportunity to solve problems. 

Most people's problems cause other people problems that they run away from. 

When you solve problems, you can bet there's going to be an exchange of: 

Exchange of me being able to level up

Get money from somebody 

Improve a relationship

When I can solve a problem, there's an exchange on that. 

I'm grateful for problems becuase I know at the end of every problem, there is a solution and I solve problems. 

Be a problem solver. 

You'll get all the rewards of doing the things most people won't be willing to solve. 



This planet is based on an algorithm and with every positive action, there is an adverse reaction. 

Ryan Stewman rose and overcame a life of addiction, imprisonment, divorce, and circumstances that would break the spirit of the average human being. 

He went on to create a powerful network of winners and champions in life and business creating a movement quickly changing lives one day at a time. 

Learn more at:  

Check out this show and previous killer episodes of the ReWire Podcast in Apple Podcasts.